Do you really need the whole spa experience with your family and friends or someone special? Do you really want to experience the hot tub without the additional cost of electricity to utility bills? Love the heat penetration of soothing warm water right out of your tap? How about considering wood burning hot tubs? But how do you choose the right one?
Cost Savings
The best wood fired hot tubs use wood as their main and only heat source. Wood is a sustainable fuel resource and you can get a chance to save on your electricity costs in the long run.
In fact, you don’t need outdoor electrical supply for heating purposes. This makes the placement of your hot tub much easier as you can. Generally, you can keep it anywhere you want outside, even in that small out of the way area in the one corner of your garden.
Natural Insulation
Unlike fiberglass and other artificial materials available, wood is considered as a natural insulator. This means, it takes a long while before the water in your wood burning hot tub cools down.
In addition to, most cooling down is by means of evaporation. So if you have a cover, you can have a lovely evening in your hot tub, only to come back next time to enjoy warm soak for another time.
Simple yet stylish choice
The wood finished exterior of a wood fired hot tub is simple, yet stylish to look at. It can fit in perfectly in any kind of outside environment. Made up of natural cedar, wood burning hot tub is resistant to the elements as well and will offer many years of pleasure before a revamp.
Cedar wood and water do mix. Though most varieties of woods tend to rot when they get in contact with water, cedar wood is the exception. Cedar wood expands when in contact with water; it means you have less chance of springing a leak. Any expansion joints in your wood burning hot tub will tighten and swell, without allowing water to seep away.
Mold resistant
Unlike other woods, cedar wood is resistant to mold. This material gets rid of the mold formations naturally.
Great fragrance
Once heated up, cedar wood gives off an incredibly natural smell. This is very unlike the case with hot tubs comprised of synthetic materials. The only smells you get are from the chemicals you are going to add.
Aesthetically attractive
The sight of wood in your yard or garden, adds to its aesthetic appeal as wood is a naturally available material, that blends in with your garden perfectly. You can add to this the slow weathering ability of cedar wood and its durability as well as you can get a surrounding feature that adds appeal for years to come.
Final thought –
Making a decision is really a tough task. Everyone has their own version of what the best wood fired hot tubs should be. You will fall in love with the design, shape, functionality, style etc. of wood burning hot tubs available at Cedar Tubs. For more information, click here.